Shawn from our partner ministry, Place of Promise, recently shared his testimony in their newsletter:
“Two years ago, I came to Place of Promise straight from prison. I was sentenced 8 to 12 years and was paroled after 7. I was looking for a Christian program to go to so I called Place of Promise. It was hard when I got here, and I thought about going back to prison, but I stayed. And I am glad that I did.
I had no idea what I was going to do when I got out of prison, but I realized that I can’t do what I used to do, both physically and mentally. I believe that I am being called to the Christian community and I would like to work with people getting out of jail.
I finished high school, but never saw myself going to college. I am attending City Vision University online. I am working on an Associate’s degree in Christian Ministry and Leadership. There is a lot of reading, writing papers, Zoom classes, and posting. It’s hard, especially learning how to structure and schedule my day, but school is going great.”