Tina was profiled in Athens Now, an online magazine:
“Tina Cook is well known in [Athens, Georgia] as the hard working Director of the Family Resource Center located on Jefferson Street, and I first met her at the monthly Chamber of Commerce coffees that are held at various businesses in our area. I immediately liked her, and one of the things that impressed me is that she is both uncommonly transparent and intensely joyful. I became aware that she has a personal ‘death, burial and resurrection story,’ and seeing as we are coming upon the season of Resurrection and Passover, now seemed the appropriate time to tell it.
We met for the interview in the FRC board room, which is lined with inspirational sayings as well as scriptures. One that stuck out was written by Mark Twain, and it says:
‘Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them makes life meaningful.'”
To read the full, original article on Athens Now, click here.